" aWaRd PuIsI dari BuNda IbaD "
Musim lagi deh award neh... hihihi.. kali ini Mama dapet lagi award puisi dari Bunda Ibad.. makasih ya Bund.. langsung deh Shasa pasang award puisinya disini...
We need friends for many reasons,
We need friends for many reasons,
all throughout the season.
We need friends to comfort us
when we are sad,
and to have fun with us when we are glad.
We need friends to give us good advice,
We need someone we can count on,
and treat us nice.
We need friends to remember us
one we have passed
sharing memories that will always last.
Spread the poem of friendship.
Label: Award
Selamat ya sha... Btw, harus buka kamus english dulu nich... :)
Anonim, at Selasa, 02 September, 2008
btw, what should we do if we have annoying friends? hahaha
Anonim, at Selasa, 02 September, 2008
selamet ya bu.. selamet....
Anonim, at Rabu, 03 September, 2008
qiqiqiq puasa2 ada juga ya awardnya ? aku juga dapet tuh... :D
Milla Widia N, at Rabu, 03 September, 2008
conratulation...moga makin semangat aja deh....:D
JoVie, at Jumat, 05 September, 2008
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