
Kamis, September 04, 2008

Lilypie 3rd Birthday PicLilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

"PaKet pR dari Tante AriE"

Menjelang berbuka dapet Paket PR dari tante Arie.. Ini Tant.. Paketnya dah Shasa terima and langsung di kerjain.. kynya sih udah pernah dapet PR ini, tp gpp lah dikerjain lagi.. hihihi

1) What is the most important thing in your life?

To be grateful for everything what im going through
2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
A milk for Shasa (Childkid Platinum)
3) Where do you wish to get married?
im already, and like im wishing for before.. in my beloved house
4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
as long as possible.. (amiiin)
5) Are you in love?
most of the time (with papa Shasa of course)
6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Restaurant Rumah Kayu with my husband
7) Name the latest book that you bought?
Buku resep Aneka cake
8) What is your full name?
Berlia Eka Sari
9) Do you prefer your mother or father?
Both of them
10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time?
My beloved husband and my little angel (Shasa)
11) Christina or Britney?
Christina aquelera or Christina nya al amien neh..? hehehe
12) Do you do your own laundry?
No, I dont
13) The most exciting place you want to go?
14) Hugs or kisses?
Hugs =)
15) 8 things I am passionate about:
1. Be a great wife and hopefully mom
2. Makes my parents always happy
3. go to Makkah
4. Belajar apa aja.. yang penting bermanfaat
5. Wisata kuliner.. nyobain resto2 baru yang makin menjamur di Bandar Lampung.. hehehe..
6. Blogging, of course..
7. Window shopping.. sekalian refresh setelah bekerja.. yang ujung2nya jadi boros.. yang ini sampe sekarang belum bisa di rubah..
8. Ngajakin Shasa main sambil belajar.. supaya Shasa jadi anak yang pinter.. amien...
16) 8 things I say too often:
1. Assalamualaikum, sebagai muslim kan wajib..
2. Astaghfirullah
3. Alhamdulillah
4. Terima kasih,( sekalian ngajarin Shasa supaya selalu ngucapin makasih)
5. Shasa... makan dulu yaa...
5. Tolong...( selalu di sebut kalo minta ambilin sesuatu ama si mbak ato sama siapa aja.. sekalian ngajarin Shasa)
6. Hallo sayang.. (sapaan rutin kalo Shasa baru bangun bobo)
7. Ups Sorry...
8. Papaaaa... (kalo panggil papa Shasa, setiap saat kalo papa ada di rumah)
17) 8 books I've read recently:
1. Buku resep
2. Novel agatha cristie
3. Buku nama-nama bayi Muslim
4. 9 bulan yang menakjubkan
5. Manfaat Puasa Shaum
6. 100 tokoh terkemuka Lampung
7. Biografi Bupati
8. -
18) 8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
1. Say you say me - Lionel Richie
2. Endless love - Lionel Richie
3. Truly - Lionel Richie
4. Penjaga hati - Yovie and Nuno
5. Ayat - ayat cinta - Rosa
6. Esok masih ada by Utha likumahua
7. all album Melly Goeslow
8. Mengenangmu by kerispatih
19) 8 things I learned last year:
1. Lebih Sabar
2. Lebih Iklash
3. belajar jadi istri yang penurut
4. belajar jadi istri yang sholeha
5. Belajar bikin cake yang lebih enak lagi
6. Belajar menerima keadaan dengan lapang dada
7. Belajar untuk gak laper mata
8. Belajar untuk gak boros



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